Sunday, April 26, 2009

Why "the mama in red"?

Well, even when I was little, I wasn't into pink. I liked my steno notebooks to be red. I loved red. I didn't like pink through school, but I may or may not have worn a pair of magenta tights to a "rave" party to benefit school. And then I went through the pink stage a few years back like everyone did—and am amazed at how much stuff I have left over from that phase. But now I'm back to red. I love red. I have a red purse that I carry every day. My lunch bag is red. My camera bag is red. I have two pairs of red shoes, for which I am known for wearing. Oh, and I am a mama to two kidlets, the Daughter is five going on fifteen and the Son will be three next month. I am a wife to my best friend, the Husband. I am a graphic/web designer, who dabbles in video editing during the day job, I have vowed to make use of my degree and get back into photography, thanks to the Husband who also made the decision for me on my spiffy new camera; I love to sew and am a Threadbanger, and I love to bake and cook. I'm all about homemade, I make my own breads, cupcakes, icings, cakes, and anything I can alter on the stove. But let's not forget that recently I have picked crocheting up again. Only, the first time I tried it, I never learned how to turn my work, so I could only crochet straight foundation lines. So if that's not enough, I am going to try to find my voice again with a new blog on a new platform. I can't first express how excited I am to break out my web skillz and design my own template without having to host it on my own. But we'll see how long that takes me. A jill of all trades, you know.


Vanessa said...

I'm so sorry it has taken me this long to leave a comment. (The comment form wouldn't come up on the Blackberry). Love the stuff about you, love that you don't feel the need to censor yourself any longer. Write for you, write what you want, write when you feel like it. I'll be here to read! Love you as always

The Mama In Red said...

Thank you! Now I just need to make the commitment to myself and actually write. =) Or perhaps I just need a crackberry so I can write when it strikes me.

Vanessa said...

Crackberry helps in endless ways! I literally don't know how I ever lived without it!

The Mama In Red said...

And it'd be a tax write-off to me, so now I just have to convince the Husband!