Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The holidays are coming, the holidays are coming!
A Cadillac. Yep. Mama's gettin a Cadillac for Christmas.
Wait, before you question how old I really am, know that Cadillac is really revamping their image. They have some really sharp cars out now. I'll be sporting an SRX. It's the crossover/SUV. It's beautiful. Not the one I wanted, as I wanted the CTS sport model with a 6-speed manual (NOT the CTS-V; it's a great car, but would be roughly $500 more a month for me to drive, between fuel consumption, insurance and payment increase), but the Husband wanted me in an SUV again. Truth be told, we need the room with the kidlets and their respective activities. We need something comfortable to ride in. And a quiet vehicle to travel in. Roomy. This thing has a moonroof that feels like a convertible when open. And despite being a "girls' car," she actually has the boy motor, the 4.6 V8. My favorite part? Navigation. Oh, to not be lost and anxious!
My Saab was an amazing car, but it's time to let her go. With the announcement last week from GM to shut down Saab, it's value plummeted. Even though it's got EVERY option available. She has over 106K miles on her, needs new tires, a full set of brakes and rotors, and the entire rear end needs to be dropped to fix her leak in the axle. Oh, and we're leaking oil from somewhere. So, add that all up, and the necessary repairs are now costing more than half of her value. And in reality, if she breaks next week, we're up a creek. She served us well for three years. Now she'll go to auction.
In honor of bringing home a Cadillac, I must share this oldie-but-goodie. But don't worry, I won't disgrace her with gold plating and all that crap.
It's My Cadillac (Sorry, embedding not allowed on this one.)
I do still think my rendition of "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas" being "Mama's gettin a Cadillac for Christmas....only an SRX in black will do...." is way better. The Husband thought it was funny as I sang it to him last night as he was falling asleep.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
A Sad Goodbye.
Fast forward to last week. I'd noticed some rather unusual behavior from Tucker. He endlessly allowed me to rub his tummy (which he HATES and will usually attack your hand), his eyes were glassy, and he seemed to not understand how to control all his legs. Tucker was 8, but he was very healthy until then. We monitored him for a few days, and the symptoms grew. His personality seemed to have left him, he slept all the time, he wasn't eating or expelling. He just wasn't himself. But we don't have many options. At this point, there's not many vets that will touch him, simply because of his bite. And we were worried, because if he bit someone, namely our own children, well, we could lose them. And have serious legal issues.
Growing up, I can't even tell you how many rescue animals we adopted. Some we saved, some were beyond saveable. Most all of them lived into their late teens. But I never had to make the decision. But now, Tucker is in heaven. The kids took it relatively well. The Son is having a harder time with it, he doesn't get that Tucker won't return from heaven. But he knows he's gone.
I miss that little cat. I don't really like cats too much. Tucker was my first. The Husband grew up with cats, and this was essentially "his cat." We always joked that we stole him. We found him outside a 7-11 one Sunday evening. He was in good health, about 5-7 months old, and jumped right into the Husband's arms. And home with us he went. He was an energetic kitten, as most are. He and the dog have always gotten along really well. They even matched! He was personable, most of our friends who also don't care for cats LOVED Tucker. He seemed to also have an affinity for people that are severely allergic to him. A sixth sense, I guess.
Rest in Peace, Tucker. You will always be remembered and loved. We'll send you a balloon message to heaven when we need to talk. At least you're not suffering anymore.
Shopping for shoes is supposed to be easy. Shoes = happiness, right?
Monday, December 7, 2009
My holiday wish list.
A new pretty magenta scarf.This one is from Old Navy (linky) and is only $7. It's soft cotton acrylic—I don't like wool scarves—and pretty. I did see one a few months ago at the Calvin Klein outlet in Wrentham, but it was much longer. (And only $30—usually on sale, too). The longer one sorta scares me, since both of my winter coats are knee-length, I'm worried with a long coat and a long scarf that I'll end up looking like a tiny girl dressed in oversized clothing. Especially since one of the coats is a down slim-styled puffer. (I swear, it's slimmer, I promise). I'm just too cold up here in New England to go another winter without one. But I love the brightness of this magenta. I'm not at all a pink girl, but I tried on the teal and the bright purple—both which were nice, too—but this one actually looked best on my skin. I'd really love to find a matching crocheted skull cap too.
The Calphalon Dutch Oven.
I know, I look at this thing every year. And previously, I wanted this exact one, the 8-quart oval, because not only would it make great soups with me, but it could cook corn. But then, we tried corn cooked on the grill. And I don't think I can ever go back to boiled corn. EVER. Seriously, if you haven't tried it, you should. You'll never look back. I do love the versatility of a dutch oven. I've been into making soups lately, and I think it would be a great addition to the kitchen. But I would like one that's at least 5-quarts. I'd like a round one. And honestly, I'd be fine with one from Marshall's, it doesn't have to be Calphalon. I just think I'm ready for a cast iron dutch oven. However, I would like to replace my pots with Calphalon pots, as the Husband pointed out. In due time...
Alright, the next one, I'm giving in. I'm scared, but I'm going to embrace it.
This one's more of an upcoming necessity:
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Reason #732 why I dislike shopping with the kidlets...
We're at the mall in the underoo store, and I'm picking out my dressing room pile. The first fun thing that happens, is she grabs a red "nightgown" off the rack and says, "this is pretty mommy, you could put this on later when we have friends coming over!" She's incredibly proud of herself because she knows I love red, and yes, some friends whom I've taken their wedding photos are coming over later to review them. I tell her that it's not clothing appropriate for other people to see. She's a little confused, but she hangs it back up and moves on.
Later, we're in the main room with more practical underoos. She's all excited because she notices the size letters on the drawers. I show her which one I'm looking for. Now, I'm not a "big" girl, but I'm no size zero. She holds up a pair out of my drawer and says, "wow, mom, those are bigggg!" Great, so I've just been given a complex by my 6-year-old, thin-as-a-rail daughter. And I want to stuff a sock in her mouth. Of course, immediately following, there is the inhale of other women awaiting my reply. I tell her, "that is not nice at all, and you need to stop." She cowers. We move on. I continue, but she's over looking at some underwear that's hanging on the wall. She turns around, across the room, and says, "Mommy, these should fit you, they're big!"
Makes you want to take them everywhere, eh?
Saturday, December 5, 2009
I've been upstaged...
So check out the photo! I did put my name as the credit, since she is a minor. =)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
It's all the little things...
There's this loose bolt caught under my driver's seat in the metal base. It comes and goes, but it seems to become active when I'm upset or pissed off. I'll be all upset about something in traffic or whatever, and I hear this little bolt rolling around. My first thought is usually, "that stupid effing bolt!" The Husband won't fish it out because it requires unplugging a bunch of stuff that will have to be reset at the dealership, and I'm fresh out of warranty.
In the two-plus years' relationship I've had with Katarina (my car), I've tried to let go of the peeves. But some days, she makes it really hard. I've put a crapload of miles on her, and she needs an entire new set of brakes, among other work, but all in all, I'm still on the fence as to what to do with her.
But every time I hear that stupid little bolt, I want to scream. And stomp my feet. Even if I'm trying to let go.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Oh Dear, I'm afraid Fall has passed me right by!
What, you didn't get your name written in Helvetica on your birthday cakes? Well, I guess that's the upside to your baker being a graphic designer. She was very excited about it. Although, I did flavor the icing with an orange flavor, and I didn't care for that, but homemade fondant is awesome. It's pretty good and so much cheaper.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Things I love Thursday
Vinegar. I know, I'm always raving about this stuff. But seriously, what other item can get my laundry clean, make my floors sparkle, and make my soup and pasta dishes "pop"? Exactly.
My kitchenaid mixer. I love this thing, and I know that you know that. I'm not the naming type and find it a bit strange when some people ask me what her name is. She doesn't have one. But she is getting flames painted on her soon! (Thanks to the cousin) Anywho, not only does this mix like a champ, but it makes ice cream, shreds anything except paper, and hopefully soon will roll out pasta. It's the ice cream part that excites me the most, but you knew that, too.
Coco Willy shampoo and conditioner. I haven't found this stuff in about fifteen years. My mom and I used to use it, and then it disappeared for a couple of years. When we came across it in a grocery store, we bought all the bottles on the shelf. (Yes, we asked if they had any in the back, too.) I don't like coconut, but this stuff was awesome. Should you find any, you MUST send it. I'll bake you a pie. But I can't promise what the postal service will do to it.
Palmer's lotions. In a past life, I was a bartender. A bartender that constantly had her hands in dishsoap and sanitizer, because we were perpetually running out of glasses. And it killed my skin, especially in the winter. Then I found Palmer's cocoabutter. And I love it, but recently, I found the olive butter lotion made from olive oil. It's great in the kitchen for a day of baking, but it doesn't leave you oily at all. And none of them smell like most cocoabutter lotions, I promise.
Yankee Candle Clean Linen Scent anything. One of my favorite scents is clean linen. (Yet I hate doing laundry... I don't get it). Matter of fact, I make my own detergent and had to finally scent it because the strange smell of the soap base was making me cringe. I don't like most of the food-smell candles, it just gets to be too much. But I never get tired of the clean linen scent. I've also recently found honeysuckle, and recall loving that scent as a kid. And as a side note, why can you not get the Wedding Day candle at the store? Wouldn't that be the right place for it? Yeesh.
White Sheets. I don't know what it is, but there is nothing like climbing into a bed with white sheets. It's too bad that I only have one complete set of white sheets. Sheets are just one of those things I never buy for myself.
Purple or blue mascara, currently L'oreal HIP blue. It's not overtly Madonna-blue, but it's enough that when I wear it, people notice my eyes. And I have very blue eyes. Not like the daughter's blue eyes, but more of a steel-gray-blue. This stuff has great color, but it tends to wear down during the day and I notice my face wears it after a few hours. I haven't found another blue one that I like, but of course, I'm too cheap to go to Sephora. I do keep getting coupons for Ulta, perhaps I should check them out.
Alright, this is all I can put together right now. I'm sure I will come up with all sorts of additions while I'm on my way to work tomorrow, but then I'll forget them again.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Recovering from September.
Fall is my favorite season, it's like spring with less rain. And I have learned in the three (!) years we've lived in Massachusetts, there is no fall like a New England fall. The colors are beautiful, the apples are, well... available. I'm not a huge apple fan, but suddenly I have more apples than I know what to do with. I've even made my first pass at canning this past month. It was a little messy, and I learned that when the instructions say leave 1" at the top, they mean it. Oh well, what can you do? I guess I'll be safe in that the cans of pie filling that I made will be stuck to the shelf they're on and won't fall off at least. It's something I will definitely be doing in the future, when I find the time.
Summer and fall are also my busiest times with freelance work. The company I do a bulk of my freelance for is a book publisher, and there's always the fiscal year push followed by the end-of-year push. It's nice, but combined with all the other things already on the schedule, I'd really just like to clone myself.
What else has gone on? Well, to start with, right when we fired up the deep freezer for the winter and loaded it, the condenser died. And subsequently leaked two gallons of homemade chicken stock all over the basement floor. For four days. Oh, and there were three whole chickens in there that I got on a really good sale. Figures, right? Then, the receiver for the television died it's slow and painful death. And now the plasma tv is on the fritz and the Husband is about to have a fit. (I swear, I have nothing to do with this. Other than it lives in my house, and you know how we've discussed how electronics run screaming from me.) And now we have a resident skunk living somewhere in the vicinity of our shed, which is located roughly 20 feet from our back door. And is smelly.
Anywho, fall is still a favorite time for me, despite its busy-ness. There's the return to the kitchen, which I really never left since we got gipped on summer. But I'll be trying my hand at homemade pasta—butternut squash ravioli to be exact. We'll have that with a smoked gouda sauce. I can't wait. And I'll be pulling out my famous fall recipes (because I like to pretend I'm up there with Alton Brown and Paula Deen), from stuffed chicken to shepherd's pie to yummy desserts. And probably a meatloaf for the Husband. Because I like to keep him happy since he cooks most nights of the week.
And looking ahead, we have the Daughter's sixth birthday in two weeks, she's decided out of her choices, she wants to go to Michael's Arts & Crafts for a party. Yay! And another family member is getting married, I'll be photographing that wedding, too. And then there's the fundraisers for cheerleading and school, get-togethers with friends, work, and soon upon us will be the holidays. I'm already tired thinking about it. Wonder if I could hire someone to come in and do my laundry and dishes? Anyone work for freshly baked apple pies? Anyone? Bueller?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The Birthday Wardrobe.
So I decided that for my birthday, I was taking my earnings shopping for some much-needed new clothes. I did buy a lot, but I promise you, I really did not spend a lot. I bought everything on sale and had coupons that made it silly cheap. But I'll stress, I needed some new threads. My closet is really starting to show its age/quality. I did buy some stuff at H&M and Forever 12 over the past year with the intention that the quality really isn't the best, but it's what I can afford for now. Without further ado, I give you, my purchases:

Okay, not exciting, but I seriously needed some simple dress tops. From left, the first is a white and blue striped top, the middle is a white with a blue box stripe, and the right is a white top with a texture to it. Simple enough to go with so much. You'll see what all I bought them to go with. Next:

The left top is one of the short sleeved tops on sale at Express this week for $19. I bought one in black and one in a plum color. I also have a royal blue one. The next is a blue sweater. I bought it specifically to go over the tops above. The right is a blue knit top with flowers on it. I should mention I also bought a blue and a black fabric flower for embellishment. Cute, eh? Now here's the real deals, the tops I bought at NY & Co, the one on the right here and the three above, I purchased as part of the buy-one-get-one 1/2 off sale. And I had City Bucks, so alltogether, I paid $50. Yes, $50. The Express tops, I had coupons with, so I paid $10 per top. It gets better. Just wait.
Then, I did some layering pieces:

The first on the left is actually a bright pink ribbed sweater shell. I wasn't going to wear it solo, as pictured, but over some of my tops, namely the black one above. The next is a double breasted vest. I've been debating buying one of these for over a year, and finally I bought this one. Honestly, I liked the gray one better, but haven't been able to find it in my size. This one is more brown, but I am happy with it. The next is a sweater vest/cardigan. I actually bought this in gray, and it's close to this one, but I couldn't find the one I actually bought. The sweater and the vest on the left were both bought with coupons, the sweater was part of the bogo, and the vest was used with a 20% off coupon. The cardigan was purchased at Forever 12 (as I like to call it), so it was only $13. Although, now that I see it in red, I may have to get it. More:

Alright, I need your imaginations here. The left, obviously a shirt dress. I actually bought a black one with 3/4 sleeves. But I couldn't find it. The right is a high-waisted skirt that I bought in black, not this ridiculous coffee-bean pattern. It's not actually high-waisted, but it does carry that look. I hate high-waisted anything, and despite the fact that this skirt does have pleating, it looks really cute on. The dress was on sale for $35 and I had a 20% off coupon. The skirt was 60% off and was bought with the 20% off coupon. So the dress came to something like $28 and the skirt was... under $9. Who can pass these deals up?
Here's the stuff I couldn't find anything remotely close to photograph. I bought (to go under the gray sweater vest) a yellow ruffled top from Forever 12. Yes, yellow. Before you send the fashion police, know this. It's a light top, with a texture in the fabric. The ruffle lays flat and is actually quite flattering. I'm going to wear it in yellow as long as I retain my summer "color" on my face. Then I'm going to dye it red, because I think red suits my skin tone better than yellow. This way, if it comes out more orangey, it will still be a hue that I can wear. I also bought two knit v-neck tops (my signature top) from Express. One in white, because most people I know are still on the quest for their perfect white tee, and one in plum, because, well, I have a hard time passing up plum. Exp is having a buy-one-get-one free on knit tops, and I had a 15% off coupon, so this ended up being $17 for the two shirts. I adore Express and the way their clothes fit my body, regardless of my body shape, I feel good in the clothes. All my jeans and dress pants are Express as well.I did also buy a black chino pencil skirt from Old Navy. It's a much more casual skirt, but nice with flats for fall.
Now I have to say, Forever 12 is just a daunting store. I hate shopping in there, but honestly, some of their stuff can be cute and is ridiculously cheap. I like that because if I'm not sure how much I'll like something that's cute, but out of my comfort zone, I don't have a problem paying $15 for a top that I only wear a few times. Rest assured, I don't go near their bottoms or dresses, because lord knows I am not shaped like a stick. I think it's all in how you wear something, and I've gotten lots of compliments on some of the items I've bought from there. Of course, rifling through their website and sorting tops that are labeled "dressy," I understand now why so many teenagers look so trampy when they are out with their friends. Someone needs to pare down the designers at that place, they are just out of control.
I am so excited for my new clothes! The husband is quite happy that I really didn't spend as much as he thought I did, but that's smart shopping. I'd feel terrible if I spent that kind of money on only a portion of the clothing, because I would start to wonder whether I should put that money to use elsewhere. But no doubt, I got a great deal on all my stuff. And I know what you're thinking, that's an awful lot of blue hues, but honestly, I know what I look good in. And this way, I can mix and match more of my stuff. And honestly, some of the yellowish/green tones out this fall do not at all complement my skin. But this royal blue color carries through nearly every season and blues are my best colors. I still carry my red purse (the blue Michael Kors one I purchased is on sale at ebay, I just couldn't do such a big, slouchy bag everyday), so that's another splash of color. Also, I've upgraded a lot of my jewelry and accessories, thanks to a friend who works at a company that makes them. (F-R-E-E!!!). I feel much better about my style (the fact that I have a style, not just covet one) and who doesn't like to feel and look good?
In true me fashion, there are still a few things I am watching and hoping go on sale, you ask? This:

it's a wool herringbone coat. And this photo doesn't do it justice. It was lust at first sight. I have a few coupons, so if they have a good outerwear sale, I am on it! Well, we'll see. I do need some photography equipment for an upcoming wedding I'm shooting. But I'm going to watch it and drool.
What are you buying this season?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Who wants to cook?
Fast forward to when I live on my own. Cooking? Somewhat of a necessity, no? I love it now. I try not to buy what I can make, and one thing I promised myself years ago was that I wouldn't return to Top Ramen unless we are destitute. And now, I'm here to Make you a cook. Check me out!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Our trip to Boston
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Apparently, I'm in love with Jessica Simpson.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Photographic Mama, better explained...

Sunday, August 9, 2009
The truth about me and electronics.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
What to wear to a wedding.

Edit: When we arrived, ALL the women were in black. Everyone. We went to the lounge, had a beverage, and I had two women tell me how beautiful my dress was. I had one girl that was all "Seriously, can we switch in the bathroom?" The Husband and I ended up seated next to them, which was fun. During the wedding, four other women told me how nce/sexy my dress was. Oh, and the Husband loved it, too. Score!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
This is the one...
Monday, July 6, 2009
Why I am in charge of the "stuff" around here...
Saturday, July 4, 2009
I won!

The Wonder Drug...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Just... Can't... Stop...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Why GM won't die.

Saturday, May 30, 2009
There's a lot goin on around these parts...

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Product Review: Help, I have oily skin!